
Tommy's bad day (A Robotboy fan fiction)

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Tommy's bad day (A Robotboy fan fiction)
Another Robotboy fan fiction.
I do not own Robotboy.
I do own Perry.

It was a beautiful day at San Francisco Elementary School and Tommy was sitting on one of the benches under the tree. The one who decided to sit next to him was none other than Bambi.
Bambi: Hello, Tommy! Do you think I'm pretty?
Tommy: Well, too be honest, no!
Bambi: What?! You don't think I'm pretty?! Well, you are stupid to think that!!!! Stupid! Stupid!
All the other girls: Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
Tommy starts to burst into tears.
Kurt: (Grabs Tommy) How dare you talk bad about my girlfriend! I'll beat you for this!
A voice: Leave him alone!
The voice was Tommy's best friend Perry.
Kurt: Well, well, well! What do we have here?! A punier punk than Tommy!
Perry: Puny?! Ha! I'm a few inches bigger than Tommy!
Kurt: Well, you're still puny! (Stars to throw a punch when Perry grabs his fist and cracks it) Argh!
Tommy: Wow! Thanks, Perry! For that, you get to look after Robotboy today!
Perry: Thank you, Tommy!

Little did the two know that a bird camera was watching them. It was Kamikazi.
Kamikazi: That Tommy looks hurt! I see that his friend has Robotboy! I think that we should go to his house to capture him!
Constantine: But Boss! Your Tapa- -
Kamikazi: SILENCE!!! We must go to Perry's house and steal Robotboy!
Constantine: Yes Boss!
Later, at Perry's house.
Perry activates Robotboy.
Robotboy: Where Robotboy?
Perry: You're at my house, Robotboy!
Robotboy: Where Tommy?
Perry: Your best friend Tommy is badly injured and he needs a break. Especially from you.
Robotboy: That sound serious! Robotboy no want Tommy get hurt.
Perry: You're too late for that, Robotboy. He's already been beaten up by Kurt and teased by Bambi.
Robotboy: Oh! That sound bad!

Meanwhile, at Tommy's house.
Donnie: (Grabs Tommy) you little Runt! You need a beating! Especially from your big brother!
Tommy: (Thinks) Why can't he just leave me alone?
Later, after Tommy's beating, he lies in his bed with his shirt off. Lola comes to visit him.
Lola: Are you okay, Tommy? Did you have a rough day?
Tommy: Very rough indeed! Bambi and the other girls teased me, Kurt beat me up and Donnie beat me up too. It was a terrible day for me.
Lola: (Hugs Tommy) Don't worry, Tommy! A little love is all you need to heal all your wounds.
Tommy: Thanks, Lola!
Lola: Say, where is Robotboy?
Tommy: Well, Perry's looking after him today.

Meanwhile, at Perry's house.
Kamikazi starts to intrude his house.
Kamikazi: Greetings, Percy!
Perry: Yo, dude! The name is Perry! And you will address me as such!
Kamikazi: Whatever! Now, just hand over Robotboy!
Perry: Wait a second! How did you know Robotboy was here?
Kamikazi: Umm…. I'm psychic! Now, hand over Robotboy!
Perry: Not on your life! Robotboy, get him!
Robotboy quickly super activates, grabs Kamikazi and throws him out of Perry's house.
Kamikazi: And I was so close this time with no Tommy in sight! Oh, whatever! I'll steal Robotboy if it's the last thing I do! Ya ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa!!!

Later, at Tommy's house, Perry goes there and sees Lola at the door.
Perry: Lola?! What are you doing here?
Lola: I was going to ask you the same question.
Perry: Well, I was going to give Robotboy back!
Lola: Well, I have bad news! Tommy won't make it through tonight! (Is about to cry) He has been beaten enough to die.
Perry stares in shock. Then, he spreads the word to Moshimo, Miu Miu, Goose and Robotgirl.

At 5:57 the next morning…
Moshimo: When all of us blow out our candles, Tommy, you will be- -
Tommy: I know!
Perry blows his candle out, then Lola, then Debs, then Dwight, then Donnie, Then Miu Miu, then Robotboy, Then Robotgirl, Goose eats his. But as Moshimo was about to blow his out, Lola rushes to Tommy.
Lola: I love you more than anything in the world, Tommy! (Smooches him for 1 minute)
As the sun rises, Tommy has been healed completely.
Everyone: Tommy! (Everyone but Donnie goes to help him)
Moshimo: Thomas, my good friend! Are you alright?
Tommy: Yep! Never been better! (Turns to Lola)) Thank you so much, Lola, for saving my life! (Hugs her tightly)
Gus: What are you talking about?
Perry hits Gus with a mallet.
Perry: Cut it out, Goose!
Tommy and Lola laugh their heads off and later, stare at each other sentimentally.
Tommy: I will be eternally grateful to Lola for saving my life!
Lola: Well, Tommy! I've love you ever since I met you and I always will!
As the morning continues, Gus is still on the floor because Perry hit him with a mallet and Tommy and Lola both hold hands and everything is perfect.
The end.
Another Robotboy fan fiction. I know there is anoter fan fiction of this kind already but, I added a bit of twist to it.
I do not own Robotboy.
I do own Perry.
© 2012 - 2024 ArthurEngine
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tall-T's avatar
Ah, it gets serious with Tommy and Lola! :heart: At least he got in trouble for rejecting Bambi; I'd call that a worthy cause!